by Benedetta Tommaselli | Apr 5, 2024 |
Newtown Creek is one of the country’s most polluted waterways. Flooding from sea level rise and storms threatens to spread the creek’s contamination and bring pollution from outside the water into it. The feds are figuring out how to include climate change into the...
by Benedetta Tommaselli | Apr 5, 2024 |
Now defunct dry cleaners, metal and brass foundries, and soap and lacquer manufacturers leaked toxic chemicals into the ground in Greenpoint and East Williamsburg, beneath businesses and homes. The feds are taking a look, but in the meantime, locals could be breathing...
by Benedetta Tommaselli | Apr 5, 2024 |
A small patch of land and the buildings located on it contain radiological contamination, posing a cancer risk for workers on the site and nearby neighbors. Work is ongoing to get rid of the threat — but it hasn’t been easy to get there. Samantha Maldonado, senior...
by Benedetta Tommaselli | Apr 5, 2024 |
The Gowanus Canal is a “toxic Wonderland” in the midst of a neighborhood undergoing a complicated transformation. Hear from locals, government officials and developers about the future of the area — and what challenges stand in the way of a cleaner, more resilient...